John Coy
John Coy
author • speaker • educator


Basketball and Poetry Workshop
“I love writing and I love basketball. I have been fortunate to combine these in a poetry writing workshop for children Basketball and Poetry.”
Author John Coy, who spent two weeks working with students at Sheridan School in Minneapolis, thinks it's important to preserve children's natural spontaneity: “I wanted to get them writing the way they tell stories when they run in from recess.”
Genuine Interests: Boys, Sports, and Literacy
“...When I was a boy I played some sport almost every day. Football, basketball, and baseball were favorites but if there was a ball involved, I was interested...”
Road Trips
“Each summer, when I was a boy, my family would take a long car trip. Because I was the oldest child, I often sat up front with my dad. We would tell stories, examine the map, and talk about the new places we would see...”
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